Licence prices for our premium images

Standard licences

To request a quote for a use not listed below, select None of the above (request a quote) when specifying your intended use. For a more general enquiry, please contact us.

Use   Duration Price
(ex VAT)

Personal study, teaching or web use (lo-res) i perpetual £ 9.99 $ 12.58
Personal study; personal teaching; personal web use, including personal websites, blogs and social media. Image is low-res and will contain a minute watermark credit to Look and Learn in bottom left-hand corner, which should not be removed. NB: No commercial use. No re-sale.
Personal print use (hi-res) i perpetual £ 20.00 $ 25.18
Print or poster use (up to two copies). NB: There is no watermark on image. Image may be cropped. No commercial use of print or poster, or public display.
Personal/non-commercial uses - click on "i" for list of uses (hi-res) i perpetual £ 25.00 $ 31.47
Personal study (including use in a thesis or dissertation presented); personal teaching; print or poster (up to five copies); greeting cards or postcards (up to 100 copies); privately printed book (up to 100 copies). NB: There is no watermark on image. No commercial use permitted. Web use not permitted (alternative lo-res licence available).
e-book - inside use (hi-res) i perpetual £ 30.00 $ 37.77
Inside use. Image may be cropped or adapted. Solely for e-book reading purposes (ie hi-res must not be independently downloadable). One e-book, with no restrictions on volumes. In perpetuity. Credit: Look and Learn.
YouTube and/or similar web video-sharing use (hi-res) i perpetual £ 30.00 $ 37.77
YouTube and/or similar web video-sharing use. Image may be cropped and/or adapted. Indirect advertising benefit assumed. No traditional TV or cinema use. If possible, credit: Look and Learn.
Business or institutional presentation use (hi-res) i 10 years £ 30.00 $ 37.77
Presentations, eg Powerpoint slides, given by companies or institutions, excluding advertising use. If possible, credit: Look and Learn.
Commercial web use (hi-res) i perpetual £ 30.00 $ 37.77
Web use by companies and organisations, including websites, blogs and social media, excluding advertising use. Image may be cropped. Image should be resized to a maximum of 1500 pixels, high or wide, prior to use. If possible, credit Look and Learn or include a link to
Commercial print use, eg for hotels (hi-res) i perpetual £ 50.00 $ 62.94
For the roduction of single (ie one-off) prints for display in hotels, wine bars, public houses, shops and offices. Please contact us if you require a licence to produce multiple prints.
Scholarly journal use, print and e-edition (hi-res) i perpetual £ 50.00 $ 62.94
One-time inside use. Covers both print and e-editions, and any associated presentation or teaching use. Credit: Look and Learn.
Clothing use, low sales volume (hi-res) i 3 years £ 60.00 $ 75.53
Clothing use. Same design, incorporating licensed imagery, may be be used on multiple types of clothing. Maximum total sales at retail value over three-year period of licence US$2,500. If desired, credit imagery to: Look and Learn.
Retail book - low volume - inside use, one print edition and associated e-book (hi-res) i perpetual £ 65.00 $ 81.82
Retail book. Inside use. Image may be cropped. One print edition (up to 1,000 copies) and its associated e-book (no volume limit). Wordwide. Credit: Look and Learn.
Museum or gallery - small institution - display use (hi-res) i 20 years £ 70.00 $ 88.12
Museum or gallery display use. For institutions with less than 100,000 visitors per annum. Print, video or digital display. If possible, credit: Look and Learn.
Magazine or newspaper inside use, print and web (hi-res) i perpetual £ 70.00 $ 88.12
Inside use in one edition of a magazine or newspaper (print and any associated e-edition and/or web use). Image may be cropped. Credit: Look and Learn. NB: A lower-cost option is available for scholarly journals.
Retail book - high volume - inside use, one print edition and associated e-book (hi-res) i perpetual £ 90.00 $ 113.30
Retail book. Inside use. Image may be cropped. One print edition (1,000+ copies) and its associated e-book (no volume limit). Wordwide. Please credit: Look and Learn.
e-book, cover use (hi-res) i perpetual £ 100.00 $ 125.88
Cover use. Image may be cropped or adapted. Solely for e-book purposes (ie hi-res must not be independently downloadable). One e-book, with no restrictions on volumes. In perpetuity. Credit: Look and Learn.
Marketing package (hi-res) i 5 years £ 100.00 $ 125.88
Package for companies and organisations covering web use, presentations, brochures and mailers. Excludes annual reports, other forms of advertising, public display or billboard use, or logo or identity use. Image may be cropped for different uses. For web use image should be resized to a maximum of 1,500 pixels high or wide. For excluded uses, please request a quote.
Clothing use, mid sales volume (hi-res) i 3 years £ 120.00 $ 151.06
Clothing use. Same design, incorporating licensed imagery, may be be used on multiple types of clothing. Maximum total sales at retail value over three-year period of licence US$7,500. If desired, credit imagery to: Look and Learn.
Museum or gallery - large institution - display use (hi-res) i 20 years £ 140.00 $ 176.24
Museum or gallery display use. For institutions with more than 100,000 visitors per annum. Print, video or digital display. If possible, credit: Look and Learn.
TV documentary use, all media, worldwide, in perpetuity (hi-res) i perpetual £ 150.00 $ 188.83
TV documentary use (single episode in series). All media, worldwide, in perpetuity. Image may be cropped or adapted. Please credit: Look and Learn.
Retail book - low volume - cover use, one print edition and associated e-book (hi-res) i perpetual £ 175.00 $ 220.30
Cover use. Image may be cropped or adapted. One print edition (up to 1,000 copies) and associated e-book (no volume restriction). Worldwide. Image may also be used inside book for no extra fee. Credit: Look and Learn.
Wine label use (hi-res) i 1 year £ 200.00 $ 251.77
Wine label use. Image may be cropped or adapted. If desired, imagery may be credited to: Look and Learn
Theatrical, concert or exhibition advertising use (hi-res) i 1 year £ 200.00 $ 251.77
Theatrical, concert or exhibition advertising. For use on posters, flyers, websites, etc. If desired, credit imagery to: Look and Learn.
Clothing use, high sales volume (hi-res) i 3 years £ 240.00 $ 302.12
Clothing use. Same design, incorporating licensed imagery, may be be used on multiple types of clothing. Maximum total sales at retail value over three-year period of licence US$25,000. If desired, credit imagery to: Look and Learn.
Retail book - high volume - cover use, one printed edition and associated e-book (hi-res) i perpetual £ 250.00 $ 314.71
Cover use. Image may be cropped or adapted. One print edition (1,000+ copies) and associated e-book (no volume restriction). Worldwide. Image may also be used inside book for no extra fee. Credit: Look and Learn.
Music album use, print and web (hi-res) i perpetual £ 250.00 $ 314.71
Music album use, print and web, and for any associatated marketing use. If desired, credit imagery to: Look and Learn

All licences are subject to our general Licensing Terms and Conditions. Invoices will be in pound sterling; prices in other currencies are approximate.

Image sizes

Two sizes are available:

  • ‘hi-res’ is the largest available.
  • ‘lo-res’ is at least 1,024 pixels along the longer edge. This is suitable for most web (including blog) uses.

The pixel dimensions for both sizes are shown if you click through from a thumbnail to view the image in detail.


You can pay securely online by credit/debit card or PayPal for immediate download of your licensed images. Or you can send a bank transfer by Faster Payments, SEPA or SWIFT. If you will be purchasing regularly from us, please enquire about credit terms.