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Mr John Burns, MP
Mr John Burns, MP
Bronze statuette of a philosopher on a lamp stand
Bronze statuette of a philosopher on a lamp stand
Relation of the human face to the rabbit, 17th C Lithograph illustrating the relation of the human face to the rabbit
Relation of the human face to the rabbit, 17th C Lithograph illustrating the relation of the human face to the rabbit
Schutterij van Utrecht, medal that gave shooters the right to a pitcher of wine
Schutterij van Utrecht, medal that gave shooters the right to a pitcher of wine
Necklace Bead in the Form of a Fish
Necklace Bead in the Form of a Fish
Montmorency Falls, 7 miles below Quebec
Montmorency Falls, 7 miles below Quebec
La Rochelle, Tour de la Lanterne
La Rochelle, Tour de la Lanterne
Peter and the other apostles are released from prison by an angel
Peter and the other apostles are released from prison by an angel