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Random dip into historical pictures

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Amoghapasha Lokeshvara (?), Folio from a Pancharaksha (The Five Protective Charms)
Amoghapasha Lokeshvara (?), Folio from a Pancharaksha (The Five Protective Charms)
St Petroc Boarding House Ilfracombe
St Petroc Boarding House Ilfracombe
Llustration for Fairbairn’s Book of Crests
Llustration for Fairbairn’s Book of Crests
Design for a Bookcase
Design for a Bookcase
The High Court
The High Court
Weapon trophy
Weapon trophy
Going to sell the pig, Jamaica
Going to sell the pig, Jamaica
Alliance de la France et des cantons suisses
Alliance de la France et des cantons suisses