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Random dip into historical pictures

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Stage decor: The Italian Street.
Stage decor: The Italian Street.
North Britain, Scotland, Saxon Period
North Britain, Scotland, Saxon Period
Indian Troops For France, A Cavalry Regiment
Indian Troops For France, A Cavalry Regiment
Mr Gogo and his thanking wife. The sky.
Mr Gogo and his thanking wife. The sky.
A barrier near a bridge
A barrier near a bridge
Funeral monument under a weeping willow
Funeral monument under a weeping willow
Farm Scene
Farm Scene
Badger, from the series "Mirror of Stone Rubbings of Views of the Provinces" (Kohon meihitsu ishizuri kagami)
Badger, from the series "Mirror of Stone Rubbings of Views of the Provinces" (Kohon meihitsu ishizuri kagami)