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Random dip into historical pictures

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Habit of a mandarin of war in Chinese Tartary in 1700, Mandarin de guerre de la Tartarie Chinoise
Habit of a mandarin of war in Chinese Tartary in 1700, Mandarin de guerre de la Tartarie Chinoise
The Return of Rip Van Winkle
The Return of Rip Van Winkle
Plan de Reykiavik par Mr V Lottin. 1836.
Plan de Reykiavik par Mr V Lottin. 1836.
Casket with the Three Theological Virtues
Casket with the Three Theological Virtues
The Bridge, Schleissheim
The Bridge, Schleissheim
A Bishop of the Time of Charles II
A Bishop of the Time of Charles II
Sergei Petrovitsch Botkin
Sergei Petrovitsch Botkin