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Random dip into historical pictures

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1, dr. -ignaz-seipel-platz 2 – academy of sciences – auditorium of the old university – interior view – ballroom.
1, dr. -ignaz-seipel-platz 2 – academy of sciences – auditorium of the old university – interior view – ballroom.
Medal Commemorating 200th Anniversary of the Treaty of Wesphalia and Reunion of Alsace with France
Medal Commemorating 200th Anniversary of the Treaty of Wesphalia and Reunion of Alsace with France
Draft title page for "galerie en miniature de tableaux de genre portraite & scénes theatrales comiques" ("the gallery …"
Draft title page for "galerie en miniature de tableaux de genre portraite & scénes theatrales comiques" ("the gallery …"
Necklace: a string of beads
Necklace: a string of beads
Banknote: 10 Afghanis; Yes Afghanistan Bank, Afghanistan; SH 1358
Banknote: 10 Afghanis; Yes Afghanistan Bank, Afghanistan; SH 1358
Left Side of a Double-page Frontispiece with Geometrical Design
Left Side of a Double-page Frontispiece with Geometrical Design
Penfold and Co's Adelaide Wines. Dr Penfold's Grange Vineyard Near Adelaide SA.
Penfold and Co's Adelaide Wines. Dr Penfold's Grange Vineyard Near Adelaide SA.