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Random dip into historical pictures

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54. AA Interior of Carriage First Class.
54. AA Interior of Carriage First Class.
Schloss und Kloster Ilsenburg
Schloss und Kloster Ilsenburg
1, weihburggasse 5-9 – view towards franziskanerplatz
1, weihburggasse 5-9 – view towards franziskanerplatz
Cupid hugging a bird (dove (?))
Cupid hugging a bird (dove (?))
Queen Victoria Park, Beechworth
Queen Victoria Park, Beechworth
A Study
A Study
Sestertius of Volusianus, Emperor of the Roman Empire from Rome
Sestertius of Volusianus, Emperor of the Roman Empire from Rome
Leopoldine Hofmann, Baroness of Waideck
Leopoldine Hofmann, Baroness of Waideck