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Random dip into historical pictures

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Det andre angrepet på Constatine, 13. Oktober 1837.
Det andre angrepet på Constatine, 13. Oktober 1837.
Bottle with Hanging Ornaments and Vases
Bottle with Hanging Ornaments and Vases
Coin of Apollodotus II from Bactria
Coin of Apollodotus II from Bactria
Portret mężczyzny w czarnym kapeluszu według Rubensa?
Portret mężczyzny w czarnym kapeluszu według Rubensa?
Calligraphy:"Dwelling in the Sun Mountains" by Chu Quang-Xi
Calligraphy:"Dwelling in the Sun Mountains" by Chu Quang-Xi
They polish the dogs on the bull
They polish the dogs on the bull
Coin of Trajan, Emperor of Rome from Seleucia Pieria
Coin of Trajan, Emperor of Rome from Seleucia Pieria