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Random dip into historical pictures

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Father of the Family Giving Broth to His Baby
Father of the Family Giving Broth to His Baby
Model of a Carronade on a Slide
Model of a Carronade on a Slide
Portrait of Jeanne Samary
Portrait of Jeanne Samary
The Murder League in Dublin
The Murder League in Dublin
The Blantyre Colliery Explosion, near Glasgow, calling for Volunteers for the Exploring Parties
The Blantyre Colliery Explosion, near Glasgow, calling for Volunteers for the Exploring Parties
Bruce Castle, Tottenham, Middlesex
Bruce Castle, Tottenham, Middlesex
"Abide with us, for it is toward Evening, and the Day is far spent"
"Abide with us, for it is toward Evening, and the Day is far spent"
M de la Fayette, commander of the Parisian National Guard, receives from the hands of the City the Sword of the …
M de la Fayette, commander of the Parisian National Guard, receives from the hands of the City the Sword of the …