Picture archive > Random dip > Page 154,576

Random dip into historical pictures

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John William Turner
John William Turner
Animals taking Refuge from a Prairie Fire
Animals taking Refuge from a Prairie Fire
Snaatburg House in Maarssen
Snaatburg House in Maarssen
Je les traitais durement, ils n'en criaient pas moins Vive l'Empereur!
Je les traitais durement, ils n'en criaient pas moins Vive l'Empereur!
Christian Ludwig Mursinna
Christian Ludwig Mursinna
Chemistry: weighing apparatus (top), evacuated (?
Chemistry: weighing apparatus (top), evacuated (?
Tankard (schnelle) with Jupiter, Venus and Mars
Tankard (schnelle) with Jupiter, Venus and Mars
Needle lace collar with curling tendrils with some flowers and a curved edge with three-part curves
Needle lace collar with curling tendrils with some flowers and a curved edge with three-part curves