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Patriots leave Gorinchem, 1787
Patriots leave Gorinchem, 1787
Smiling Tom, Saddled and Bridled: Standing, Facing Left
Smiling Tom, Saddled and Bridled: Standing, Facing Left
Pay Day in the Army of the Potomac
Pay Day in the Army of the Potomac
Matsumoto Koshiro IV as a Townsman Standing Beside a Water Barrel
Matsumoto Koshiro IV as a Townsman Standing Beside a Water Barrel
Vipers bugloss
Vipers bugloss
Veüe from the main entrance to the Eglize de Nostre Dame de Paris, Bastie under the Reign of Philippi Augustus around …
Veüe from the main entrance to the Eglize de Nostre Dame de Paris, Bastie under the Reign of Philippi Augustus around …