‘winning post’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Head and head at the winning post
Head and head at the winning post
Sailing Matches of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, 24 May
Sailing Matches of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, 24 May
The Winning Post
The Winning Post
Woman reading the Winning Post and drinking port
Woman reading the Winning Post and drinking port
Three Racehorses Approaching the Winning Post
Three Racehorses Approaching the Winning Post
The Finish of the Boat-Race at Mortlake, "Cambridge Wins!"
The Finish of the Boat-Race at Mortlake, "Cambridge Wins!"
The Afghan Campaign, Garrison Sports at Candahar, a Sketch at the Winning Post
The Afghan Campaign, Garrison Sports at Candahar, a Sketch at the Winning Post
International Toboggan Races in the Engadine, Switzerland
International Toboggan Races in the Engadine, Switzerland