‘unarmed’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Black Sunday, 9/22 January 1905
Black Sunday, 9/22 January 1905
Spanish Conquistadors massacring Native Americans, New Mexico, 1540-1541
Spanish Conquistadors massacring Native Americans, New Mexico, 1540-1541
Massacre at Tiguex
Massacre at Tiguex
The Fall of Santiago de Cuba, the Conference on the Terms of Capitulation
The Fall of Santiago de Cuba, the Conference on the Terms of Capitulation
Roman Emperor in his military tunic and paludamentum unarmed, from the Trajan column
Roman Emperor in his military tunic and paludamentum unarmed, from the Trajan column
British sailor offering a sword to an unarmed Spanish officer to defend himself at the Battle of San Fernando de Omoa, …
British sailor offering a sword to an unarmed Spanish officer to defend himself at the Battle of San Fernando de Omoa, …
The First Nakamura Nakazo as an Unarmed Man Standing in a Dramatic Pose
The First Nakamura Nakazo as an Unarmed Man Standing in a Dramatic Pose
Flowering Plants of Great Britain: Common Hornwort, Unarmed Hornwort, Roman Nettle, Small Nettle, Great Nettle
Flowering Plants of Great Britain: Common Hornwort, Unarmed Hornwort, Roman Nettle, Small Nettle, Great Nettle