‘sports’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Military Games at Cairo, the Tug of War, Highlanders v Artillery
Military Games at Cairo, the Tug of War, Highlanders v Artillery
Jim Clark winning the Indianapolis 500 motor race, USA, 1965
Jim Clark winning the Indianapolis 500 motor race, USA, 1965
In the early days of our Century, Popular Sport in 1800
In the early days of our Century, Popular Sport in 1800
Football in the Jews' Market, St Petersburg
Football in the Jews' Market, St Petersburg
Paddington Recreation Ground, London
Paddington Recreation Ground, London
Playing card: Hunting, Mother
Playing card: Hunting, Mother
The Stymie, a foursome playing golf at North Berwick, 1840s
The Stymie, a foursome playing golf at North Berwick, 1840s
M Lion mettait au tennis une ardeur sans pareille
M Lion mettait au tennis une ardeur sans pareille