‘restrictions’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Panorama of the times
Panorama of the times
Cartoon against restrictions on licensing hours
Cartoon against restrictions on licensing hours
Immigrant boy salutes flag on ship in Boston harbor
Immigrant boy salutes flag on ship in Boston harbor
At the Odeon Theater
At the Odeon Theater
Leaflet proclaiming restrictions on trade
Leaflet proclaiming restrictions on trade
Map of the end of Boston Wharf from which restrictions are to be taken off
Map of the end of Boston Wharf from which restrictions are to be taken off
Proclamation issued by the Lord Mayor of London during the Great Plague, 1665
Proclamation issued by the Lord Mayor of London during the Great Plague, 1665
White Bottoms Album: With the "champagne of table waters" no more restrictions
White Bottoms Album: With the "champagne of table waters" no more restrictions