‘rescue’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Quai de la Rapee, flooding in Paris, January 1910
Quai de la Rapee, flooding in Paris, January 1910
The mishap to the Great Wheel, 'twixt heaven and Earl's Court
The mishap to the Great Wheel, 'twixt heaven and Earl's Court
A night scene in Grace Church
A night scene in Grace Church
Sea rescue
Sea rescue
Galen trying to rescue his manuscripts during the great fire of Rome in AD 191
Galen trying to rescue his manuscripts during the great fire of Rome in AD 191
Disastrous flooding after a thunderstorm at Ain Sefra, Algeria
Disastrous flooding after a thunderstorm at Ain Sefra, Algeria
Fire escapes: Wivell's Fire Escape
Fire escapes: Wivell's Fire Escape
La rue de Lyon and de l'Avenue Daumesnil flooding in Paris, January 1910
La rue de Lyon and de l'Avenue Daumesnil flooding in Paris, January 1910