‘positions’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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La guerra sulle cime nevose, come i pezzi da montagna giungono sulle posizioni piu difficili
La guerra sulle cime nevose, come i pezzi da montagna giungono sulle posizioni piu difficili
With the Turks in the Shipka Pass, Suleiman Pasha's nearest Positions to Fort St Nicholas
With the Turks in the Shipka Pass, Suleiman Pasha's nearest Positions to Fort St Nicholas
London Classes
London Classes
Thirteen men from different positions, dressed according to the French fashion of ca 1580
Thirteen men from different positions, dressed according to the French fashion of ca 1580
Dutch civilians sheltering in a dugout as British troops fire on German positions, Boxtel, 1944
Dutch civilians sheltering in a dugout as British troops fire on German positions, Boxtel, 1944
The face positions and the mechanism of rectified mento-posterior positions in childbirth
The face positions and the mechanism of rectified mento-posterior positions in childbirth
Lister Institute Group Photograph with names
Lister Institute Group Photograph with names
Study with various positions of arms and hands
Study with various positions of arms and hands