‘portfolio’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Wild Horses At Play, pl. 3 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Wild Horses At Play, pl. 3 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Burgos, the Cathedral
Burgos, the Cathedral
Architecture Pittoresque ou Monuments des XVeme. Et XVIeme. Siecles: Chateaux de France des XV et XVI Siecles: Pl.
Architecture Pittoresque ou Monuments des XVeme. Et XVIeme. Siecles: Chateaux de France des XV et XVI Siecles: Pl.
The Picturesque Wind-Mills
The Picturesque Wind-Mills
Rear View of the Barge of State
Rear View of the Barge of State
Archery of the Mandans, pl. 24 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Archery of the Mandans, pl. 24 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
The Great Siberian Mammoth
The Great Siberian Mammoth
Attacking the Grizzly Bear, pl. 19 from the North American Indian Portfolio.
Attacking the Grizzly Bear, pl. 19 from the North American Indian Portfolio.