‘piratical’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Extorting tribute from the citizens
Extorting tribute from the citizens
Destruction of Shap-'ng-tsai's Piratical Fleet, by the British, in the Gulf of Tonquin
Destruction of Shap-'ng-tsai's Piratical Fleet, by the British, in the Gulf of Tonquin
Attack by Boats of HMS "Medea" on armed Piratical Junks, in Tienpak Harbour, on the South-West Coast of China
Attack by Boats of HMS "Medea" on armed Piratical Junks, in Tienpak Harbour, on the South-West Coast of China
Attack on a Chinese Piratical Fleet by the Boats of HMS "Cleopatra," in Bias's Bay
Attack on a Chinese Piratical Fleet by the Boats of HMS "Cleopatra," in Bias's Bay
Cat-o'-nine-tails used for flogging
Cat-o'-nine-tails used for flogging
The pirates fared through the streets, burning, plundering and murdering
The pirates fared through the streets, burning, plundering and murdering
Francis L'Olonnois
Francis L'Olonnois