‘physical world’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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No 1 C Centre of gravity in the lowest place, figure upright, No 2 C Centre of gravity raised as the figure is …
No 1 C Centre of gravity in the lowest place, figure upright, No 2 C Centre of gravity raised as the figure is …
Boy throwing stones into water and producing circular waves
Boy throwing stones into water and producing circular waves
Scott's patent generator, or new versus old steam
Scott's patent generator, or new versus old steam
Bargeman throwing his tow-rope into waves to get it over the thick bushes
Bargeman throwing his tow-rope into waves to get it over the thick bushes
Magician and his loadstone-rock
Magician and his loadstone-rock
Hero's steam-engine
Hero's steam-engine
Brahma and Shiva
Brahma and Shiva
A theurgist performing rituals to exercise divine powers on earth
A theurgist performing rituals to exercise divine powers on earth