‘petits’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Napoleon watching Moscow burning, 15-16 September 1812
Napoleon watching Moscow burning, 15-16 September 1812
At the camp of Boulogne, Napoleon looked constantly across the Channel towards England, September 1803
At the camp of Boulogne, Napoleon looked constantly across the Channel towards England, September 1803
Napoleon and his army crossing the Rhine at Kehl, 1 October 1805
Napoleon and his army crossing the Rhine at Kehl, 1 October 1805
Small trades in Paris: our funfairs, roller coasters
Small trades in Paris: our funfairs, roller coasters
The discovery of six children abandoned by their parents
The discovery of six children abandoned by their parents
Petits Paniers a la Jardiniere
Petits Paniers a la Jardiniere
Confronting the Sphinx, Napoleon thought he heard it murmur the word: immortality!
Confronting the Sphinx, Napoleon thought he heard it murmur the word: immortality!
Napoleon loading a cannon like a common soldier at the Siege of Toulon, 1793
Napoleon loading a cannon like a common soldier at the Siege of Toulon, 1793