‘petits’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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"Small trades" series. Hazelnut merchant on a bridge, Paris (?)
"Small trades" series. Hazelnut merchant on a bridge, Paris (?)
Petits Paniers a la Jardiniere
Petits Paniers a la Jardiniere
Napoleon sees King Louis XVI for the second time, 20 June 1792
Napoleon sees King Louis XVI for the second time, 20 June 1792
Nid de Pommes de Terre aux Petits Pois
Nid de Pommes de Terre aux Petits Pois
Title page of Le Grand Napoleon des Petits Enfants
Title page of Le Grand Napoleon des Petits Enfants
Napoleon watching Moscow burning, 15-16 September 1812
Napoleon watching Moscow burning, 15-16 September 1812
The discovery of six children abandoned by their parents
The discovery of six children abandoned by their parents