‘most famous’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Khazars adopt Judaism, c AD 740
The Khazars adopt Judaism, c AD 740
Charles Ives, listening to his most famous symphony on the housemaid's radio
Charles Ives, listening to his most famous symphony on the housemaid's radio
Thoreau's Hut, Walden Woods, Concord, Massachusetts
Thoreau's Hut, Walden Woods, Concord, Massachusetts
Scholars at their studies in the library of Bokhara, one of the most famous of all the Islamic libraries
Scholars at their studies in the library of Bokhara, one of the most famous of all the Islamic libraries
Jack Sheppard's most Famous Escape
Jack Sheppard's most Famous Escape
Battle of Plassey, India, Seven Years War, June 1757
Battle of Plassey, India, Seven Years War, June 1757
The Pantheon of Agrippa
The Pantheon of Agrippa
Sir Walter Scott and some of the most famous of his creations
Sir Walter Scott and some of the most famous of his creations