‘maoris’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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New Zealand
New Zealand
Captain Cook
Captain Cook
The Matata Pah, New Zealand, the Refuge of the Murderers of the Reverend Mr Volkner
The Matata Pah, New Zealand, the Refuge of the Murderers of the Reverend Mr Volkner
The War in New Zealand
The War in New Zealand
New Zealand, 1890s: Washing Day
New Zealand, 1890s: Washing Day
Large Meeting of Settlers and Maoris at a Native Village near Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Large Meeting of Settlers and Maoris at a Native Village near Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
A dreadful recognition
A dreadful recognition
Native Church at Otaki, New Zealand
Native Church at Otaki, New Zealand