‘jaw’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Ivory model of a skull and snake, Europe, undated
Ivory model of a skull and snake, Europe, undated
Kain kills Abel
Kain kills Abel
Samson defeats the Philistines with a donkey's jaw
Samson defeats the Philistines with a donkey's jaw
Miniature ivory skull in a silver case, Europe, 1840–1920
Miniature ivory skull in a silver case, Europe, 1840–1920
Cain kills Abel
Cain kills Abel
Symptoms of a locked jaw
Symptoms of a locked jaw
Model of adult skull, illustrating deformities, England, 1962
Model of adult skull, illustrating deformities, England, 1962
Ivory model of a skull and snake, Europe, undated
Ivory model of a skull and snake, Europe, undated