‘inventions’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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First manned flight by the Montgolfier Brothers hot air balloon, 1783
First manned flight by the Montgolfier Brothers hot air balloon, 1783
Evangelista Torricelli
Evangelista Torricelli
The Montgolfier Brothers, French inventors of the hot air balloon
The Montgolfier Brothers, French inventors of the hot air balloon
Telegraphe Morse a signaux imprimes
Telegraphe Morse a signaux imprimes
Sir Joseph Whitworth
Sir Joseph Whitworth
Evangelista Torricelli, Italian physicist and mathematician
Evangelista Torricelli, Italian physicist and mathematician
Electric light
Electric light
Benjamin Franklin, inventor of the lightning rod and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States
Benjamin Franklin, inventor of the lightning rod and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States