‘hic’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Johannes de Eyck fecit hic, 1434
Johannes de Eyck fecit hic, 1434
Quis hic? Candidus: intrepidus; verax; studiosus honesti … Sleidanus, F Johannes Paulus Crusius PL [graphic] / Iac v.
Quis hic? Candidus: intrepidus; verax; studiosus honesti … Sleidanus, F Johannes Paulus Crusius PL [graphic] / Iac v.
Amstelodamum, no. 1.
Amstelodamum, no. 1.
Le HIC c'est quand il s'agit de lui mettre une tête
Le HIC c'est quand il s'agit de lui mettre une tête
Hic Est Coney
Hic Est Coney
Capt. Hen Morgan before Panama w[hic] h. He took from the Spaniards.
Capt. Hen Morgan before Panama w[hic] h. He took from the Spaniards.
We are na fou, we're nae that fou, But just a drappie in our e'e
We are na fou, we're nae that fou, But just a drappie in our e'e
Sacræ Regiæ Majtis. Caroli Gustavi solennis ingressus, in urbem Landscrona habitus 7 Marij ao.
Sacræ Regiæ Majtis. Caroli Gustavi solennis ingressus, in urbem Landscrona habitus 7 Marij ao.