‘flat’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Women of Linby in Nottinghamshire baking pancakes to celebrate the defeat of the Danes
Women of Linby in Nottinghamshire baking pancakes to celebrate the defeat of the Danes
Eresby House, Rutland Gate, London
Eresby House, Rutland Gate, London
Plans, Orchard Court, Portman Square, London
Plans, Orchard Court, Portman Square, London
Smelly fish
Smelly fish
Flat Dish Made of Marbled Clay
Flat Dish Made of Marbled Clay
Races Historic and Modern, Flat Racing, Horse, 100 Years Ago
Races Historic and Modern, Flat Racing, Horse, 100 Years Ago
Races Historic and Modern, Flat Racing (Horse) on Ice
Races Historic and Modern, Flat Racing (Horse) on Ice
A visit to the aquarium
A visit to the aquarium