‘experiment’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Louis Pasteur sees the results of his experiment with a vaccine for anthrax
Louis Pasteur sees the results of his experiment with a vaccine for anthrax
Experiment on the Lake of Geneva, to ascertain the Velocity of Sound in Water
Experiment on the Lake of Geneva, to ascertain the Velocity of Sound in Water
Lightning in a laboratory: million volt flash passing from a copper ball to an earth consisting of a metal plate below
Lightning in a laboratory: million volt flash passing from a copper ball to an earth consisting of a metal plate below
Boy performing a chemistry experiment
Boy performing a chemistry experiment
Galileo's discovery that the Earth revolved around the Sun was considered herasy
Galileo's discovery that the Earth revolved around the Sun was considered herasy
Faraday's first Experiment
Faraday's first Experiment
French neurologist Duchenne de Boulogne using his electrophysiology apparatus on an old man, 1862
French neurologist Duchenne de Boulogne using his electrophysiology apparatus on an old man, 1862
Illustration showing the purity of Cadbury's Cocoa
Illustration showing the purity of Cadbury's Cocoa