‘epochs’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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King John Signing Magna Charta
King John Signing Magna Charta
The Outbreak of the Mutiny at Spithead – The Sailors Refusing to Put to Sea
The Outbreak of the Mutiny at Spithead – The Sailors Refusing to Put to Sea
German Dance of the 15th Century
German Dance of the 15th Century
Peter the Hermit's Call to a Crusade
Peter the Hermit's Call to a Crusade
Medieval Carters Attacked by Bandits
Medieval Carters Attacked by Bandits
American Dance in the 1900s
American Dance in the 1900s
Death of Pompey
Death of Pompey
The Riots of 1780; Sacking the Houses of Catholics
The Riots of 1780; Sacking the Houses of Catholics