‘engravings’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Croquet under difficulties
Croquet under difficulties
Stone Giant or Cannibal
Stone Giant or Cannibal
Beauties of Shakespeare: Falstaff
Beauties of Shakespeare: Falstaff
A Scotsman using a lavatory for the first time, is seated on a latrine with his legs thrust down the holes in the …
A Scotsman using a lavatory for the first time, is seated on a latrine with his legs thrust down the holes in the …
Page from Sammelsurium Volume VIII
Page from Sammelsurium Volume VIII
Sir Thomas Lawrence's House, Russell Square
Sir Thomas Lawrence's House, Russell Square
Grip, the Late Charles Dickens' Raven
Grip, the Late Charles Dickens' Raven
A variety of sea anemones on the ground of an aquarium
A variety of sea anemones on the ground of an aquarium