‘engineering’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Culebra/Gaillard Cut
The Culebra/Gaillard Cut
An Aston Martin racing car, vintage 1932, which won many races
An Aston Martin racing car, vintage 1932, which won many races
Raising the drawbridge
Raising the drawbridge
"Mademoiselle Claire", the robot nurse of the Bretonneau Hospital in Paris
"Mademoiselle Claire", the robot nurse of the Bretonneau Hospital in Paris
Construction of the Erie Canal, New York, USA, 1817–1825
Construction of the Erie Canal, New York, USA, 1817–1825
Manchester Ship Canal
Manchester Ship Canal
Percussion Cap Machine, Woolwich Arsenal
Percussion Cap Machine, Woolwich Arsenal
Sankey Viaduct
Sankey Viaduct