‘dropping’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Young man being kissed by angelic, possibly diabolic, creature
Young man being kissed by angelic, possibly diabolic, creature
Tra le rovine della City
Tra le rovine della City
Il bestiame che cade dal cielo
Il bestiame che cade dal cielo
Hansel and Gretel: Birds eating the trail of breadcrumbs left by Hansel to find the way home
Hansel and Gretel: Birds eating the trail of breadcrumbs left by Hansel to find the way home
A Visit to the Fishing Fleet in the North Sea
A Visit to the Fishing Fleet in the North Sea
Girl tripping over and dropping Mustard
Girl tripping over and dropping Mustard
The times
The times
The Dropping Well at Knar Knarcsborough
The Dropping Well at Knar Knarcsborough