‘dirigible’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Dirigible balloons: painters
Dirigible balloons: painters
British airship R101, which crashed with the loss of 48 lives on its maiden flight in 1930
British airship R101, which crashed with the loss of 48 lives on its maiden flight in 1930
German Dirigible Clouth
German Dirigible Clouth
Renard and Krebs' Dirigible
Renard and Krebs' Dirigible
The First Dirigible
The First Dirigible
Il piu gran dirigibile del mondo, l'R38, che doveva fare la traversata dell'Atlantico …
Il piu gran dirigibile del mondo, l'R38, che doveva fare la traversata dell'Atlantico …
Blanchard testing his balloon equipped with parachute, rudder and oars, Grenelle, France, 1784
Blanchard testing his balloon equipped with parachute, rudder and oars, Grenelle, France, 1784
Arabi bombardati presso Zanzur mentre si apprestavano ad accogliere a fucilate un nostro pallone …
Arabi bombardati presso Zanzur mentre si apprestavano ad accogliere a fucilate un nostro pallone …