‘dental’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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L'Arracheur de dents
L'Arracheur de dents
Brushing your teeth for dental health
Brushing your teeth for dental health
The first use of ether in dental surgery, 1846
The first use of ether in dental surgery, 1846
A French dentist shewing a specimen of his artificial teeth and false palates
A French dentist shewing a specimen of his artificial teeth and false palates
Grand Panorama of the Great Exhibition, South-East Portion of the Nave
Grand Panorama of the Great Exhibition, South-East Portion of the Nave
9, Ayrenhoffgasse, child transfer point, school dental clinic (inside)
9, Ayrenhoffgasse, child transfer point, school dental clinic (inside)
Armchair upholstered in velvet. Decorated with braid bands, dental moldings, acanthus leaf and rosettes.
Armchair upholstered in velvet. Decorated with braid bands, dental moldings, acanthus leaf and rosettes.