‘delin’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The south view of Combe-Abby, in the county of Warwick … [graphic] / to the Rt. Honble William Lord Craven … by Saml.
The south view of Combe-Abby, in the county of Warwick … [graphic] / to the Rt. Honble William Lord Craven … by Saml.
The north prospect of London taken from the Bowling Green at Islington = Vue de nord de la ville de Londre [graphic] / …
The north prospect of London taken from the Bowling Green at Islington = Vue de nord de la ville de Londre [graphic] / …
Series of 12 engravings showing scenes from plays at the Schouwburg in Amsterdam [graphic] / PV Liender, delin
Series of 12 engravings showing scenes from plays at the Schouwburg in Amsterdam [graphic] / PV Liender, delin
Guy's Hospital [graphic] / R West delin; WH Toms sculp
Guy's Hospital [graphic] / R West delin; WH Toms sculp
How Customs change in the Navy, the Refreshments of Two Centuries
How Customs change in the Navy, the Refreshments of Two Centuries
The east view of Kenilworth Castle, in the county of Warwick … [graphic] / S & N Buck, delin. Et sculp.
The east view of Kenilworth Castle, in the county of Warwick … [graphic] / S & N Buck, delin. Et sculp.
Coll. BM Magdalenae Oxon … [graphic] / M Burghers, delin. Et sculp.
Coll. BM Magdalenae Oxon … [graphic] / M Burghers, delin. Et sculp.
The Battle of Culloden April 16th 1746
The Battle of Culloden April 16th 1746