‘crowned’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Jesus is crowned with Thorns
Jesus is crowned with Thorns
Christ leaving the Praetorium
Christ leaving the Praetorium
Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III, Rome, 800
Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III, Rome, 800
Cerimonia dell'incoronazione del nuovo pontefice Benedetto XV nella Cappella Sistina domenica 6 settembre
Cerimonia dell'incoronazione del nuovo pontefice Benedetto XV nella Cappella Sistina domenica 6 settembre
The Head of Christ Crowned with Thorns
The Head of Christ Crowned with Thorns
As You Like It, Act I Scene II
As You Like It, Act I Scene II
Half Pound: Elizabeth I (obverse); Crowned Shield of Arms (reverse)
Half Pound: Elizabeth I (obverse); Crowned Shield of Arms (reverse)
Our Cats, a Domestic History
Our Cats, a Domestic History