‘consumption’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Gli Eroi Della Scienza, Il Medico Francese Garnault Si Inietta Volontariamente L'Umore D'Una Vacca Tubercolotica
Gli Eroi Della Scienza, Il Medico Francese Garnault Si Inietta Volontariamente L'Umore D'Una Vacca Tubercolotica
She lay back on a great sofa, one hand on her heart, the other hanging by her side
She lay back on a great sofa, one hand on her heart, the other hanging by her side
Vegetable Food Products, Tea, Cocoa and Coffee
Vegetable Food Products, Tea, Cocoa and Coffee
The West-End Railway District, London
The West-End Railway District, London
Alcoholism is the cause of multiple illnesses. An alcohloic in a hospital bed suffering ….
Alcoholism is the cause of multiple illnesses. An alcohloic in a hospital bed suffering ….
French Republic. Liberty – Equality-Fraternity. Police Department. General Inspection of Traffic and Transport.
French Republic. Liberty – Equality-Fraternity. Police Department. General Inspection of Traffic and Transport.
The World's Commodities, 2 Wheat, Rye and Maize
The World's Commodities, 2 Wheat, Rye and Maize
Sir Ernest Cassel's Gift to the King, Some Existing Consumption Sanatoria
Sir Ernest Cassel's Gift to the King, Some Existing Consumption Sanatoria