‘concealing’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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N American Indians and Soldiers, study folder for book Concealing Colouration in the Animal Kingdom
N American Indians and Soldiers, study folder for book Concealing Colouration in the Animal Kingdom
Indian squaws concealing weapons walk into Fort Micilmackinac
Indian squaws concealing weapons walk into Fort Micilmackinac
Rail and Woodpecker, study folder for book Concealing Colouration in the Animal Kingdom
Rail and Woodpecker, study folder for book Concealing Colouration in the Animal Kingdom
Tropical Scenes with Savages, study folder for book Concealing Colouration in the Animal Kingdom
Tropical Scenes with Savages, study folder for book Concealing Colouration in the Animal Kingdom
Sunrise or Sunset, study for book, Concealing Colouration in the Animal Kingdom
Sunrise or Sunset, study for book, Concealing Colouration in the Animal Kingdom
Crumpled Leaf Caterpillar, study for book Concealing Colouration in the Animal Kingdom
Crumpled Leaf Caterpillar, study for book Concealing Colouration in the Animal Kingdom
An interior with a man pointing accusingly at an overflowing chest concealing a child while also addressing a group of …
An interior with a man pointing accusingly at an overflowing chest concealing a child while also addressing a group of …
Concealing Colours for Protection; Insects; Indian Leaf Butterfly
Concealing Colours for Protection; Insects; Indian Leaf Butterfly