‘childhood’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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British schoolchildren practicing putting on their gas masks, World War II, 1939-1945
British schoolchildren practicing putting on their gas masks, World War II, 1939-1945
The life of William Cobbett, written by himself. 1st plate.
The life of William Cobbett, written by himself. 1st plate.
Knuckling Down
Knuckling Down
Blanche of Castile acting as regent for her son, the young King Louis IX of France
Blanche of Castile acting as regent for her son, the young King Louis IX of France
Alexandra, Princess of Wales, with her two sons, Prince Albert and Prince George, 1866
Alexandra, Princess of Wales, with her two sons, Prince Albert and Prince George, 1866
Prisoner of War
Prisoner of War
Silhouette by Paul Konewka
Silhouette by Paul Konewka
Kenny Meadows: The Spoilt Child
Kenny Meadows: The Spoilt Child