‘cela’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Guarde Nationale -Où est votre fusil? Votre sabre?
Guarde Nationale -Où est votre fusil? Votre sabre?
So leave me alone! … With your spur ships … I'll invent much better than that!
So leave me alone! … With your spur ships … I'll invent much better than that!
Othello – She thanked me, and said to me, that if I had a friend who loved her, I had only to teach her to tell my …
Othello – She thanked me, and said to me, that if I had a friend who loved her, I had only to teach her to tell my …
Polichinelle winner of the Aristocrats. Ah ah it is aufsi an Aristocrat. Well take it to your Chapel.
Polichinelle winner of the Aristocrats. Ah ah it is aufsi an Aristocrat. Well take it to your Chapel.
" … Ce qui nous nuit surtout auprès des femmes, quels que soient les agrémens (sic) de notre personne, la – valeur de …"
" … Ce qui nous nuit surtout auprès des femmes, quels que soient les agrémens (sic) de notre personne, la – valeur de …"
Apres cela je vis descendre du ciel un ange qui avait la clef de l'abime, et une grande chaine en sa main (And I saw …)
Apres cela je vis descendre du ciel un ange qui avait la clef de l'abime, et une grande chaine en sa main (And I saw …)
"- You are all poisoned! – And she looks over here saying that! It is not reassuring at all!"
"- You are all poisoned! – And she looks over here saying that! It is not reassuring at all!"
News n°72: – Oursikoff! … Do you find it similar? … – No, Sire! ….
News n°72: – Oursikoff! … Do you find it similar? … – No, Sire! ….