‘casts’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Simi curses King David
Simi curses King David
Two plaster casts
Two plaster casts
L'dessus, b'en sûr! Est p'us beau que l'dessiys, mais c'est p'us cher.
L'dessus, b'en sûr! Est p'us beau que l'dessiys, mais c'est p'us cher.
Plaster casts for caryatids on the Palais du Louvre by Francisque Duret
Plaster casts for caryatids on the Palais du Louvre by Francisque Duret
Casts from Antique Sculpture: The Parthenon
Casts from Antique Sculpture: The Parthenon
The old Mulford house
The old Mulford house
Paul casts out the evil spirits in Ephesus
Paul casts out the evil spirits in Ephesus