‘canned’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Boites de conserves alimentaires pour la viande et les legumes
Boites de conserves alimentaires pour la viande et les legumes
Rationing means a fair share for all of us
Rationing means a fair share for all of us
Hamlet Act V, Scene I – The grave digger with his meal of canned meats pauses at his task and listens
Hamlet Act V, Scene I – The grave digger with his meal of canned meats pauses at his task and listens
Othello Act I, Scene III – "Most potent, grave and reverend signiors, my most noble and approved good masters."
Othello Act I, Scene III – "Most potent, grave and reverend signiors, my most noble and approved good masters."
The lodger and Chicago Tinned Meat
The lodger and Chicago Tinned Meat
Lilly Brand mixed pickles, Monticello queen olives
Lilly Brand mixed pickles, Monticello queen olives
King Henry the Fourth Act II, Scene IV – "Some more of Libby, McNeill & Libby's canned meat and some sack, Francis."
King Henry the Fourth Act II, Scene IV – "Some more of Libby, McNeill & Libby's canned meat and some sack, Francis."