‘builder's model’ historical pictures (exact matches)

Active selection in cart:
Half Model of a 38–Gun Frigate
Half Model of a 38–Gun Frigate
Half Model of a 6–Gun Schooner-Brig
Half Model of a 6–Gun Schooner-Brig
Half Model of a 6–Gun Brig
Half Model of a 6–Gun Brig
Half Model of a Cutter
Half Model of a Cutter
Half Model of a 70–Gun Ship of the Line
Half Model of a 70–Gun Ship of the Line
Half Model of a 68–Gun Ship of the Line
Half Model of a 68–Gun Ship of the Line
Half Model of a Merchantman
Half Model of a Merchantman
Half Model of a 36–Gun Frigate
Half Model of a 36–Gun Frigate