‘bomb’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The sky's the limit! Keep buying war bonds.
The sky's the limit! Keep buying war bonds.
The Dam Busters, Attack on the Mohne Dam
The Dam Busters, Attack on the Mohne Dam
La smobilitazione delle munizioni in Germania
La smobilitazione delle munizioni in Germania
Un diluvio di fosforo
Un diluvio di fosforo
Aeroplani contro mine
Aeroplani contro mine
Building damaged by the explosion of the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, World War II, 1945
Building damaged by the explosion of the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, World War II, 1945
From Cannon Street looking towards Cheapside, London under fire
From Cannon Street looking towards Cheapside, London under fire
Lealta Tedesca
Lealta Tedesca