‘attack’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Kamikaze attack
Kamikaze attack
Sharks in the Adriatic Sea
Sharks in the Adriatic Sea
Una terribile rissa per gelosia s'e scatenata nella gabbia degli orsi di un circo a Genova
Una terribile rissa per gelosia s'e scatenata nella gabbia degli orsi di un circo a Genova
The Expedition against the Mad Mullah, the Attack on Captain McNeill's Zariba at Gebile, Somaliland
The Expedition against the Mad Mullah, the Attack on Captain McNeill's Zariba at Gebile, Somaliland
Il fatto nuovo nella guerra di Russia
Il fatto nuovo nella guerra di Russia
The Last Attack on Mafeking, BSA Police escorting Boer Prisoners to the Lock-up
The Last Attack on Mafeking, BSA Police escorting Boer Prisoners to the Lock-up
Prussian Landwehr in action at the Battle of Noisseville, Franco-Prussian War, 31 August 1870
Prussian Landwehr in action at the Battle of Noisseville, Franco-Prussian War, 31 August 1870
The standard bearer of the 10th Legion led the attack
The standard bearer of the 10th Legion led the attack