‘Woodpecker’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Male and Female
The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Male and Female
Middle spotted Woodpecker
Middle spotted Woodpecker
Human invention anticipated: Striking tools
Human invention anticipated: Striking tools
Geocolaptes olivaceus
Geocolaptes olivaceus
Columbus plumpipes vittatus (Pigeon whose legs are covered with feathers) & Picus cibereus (woodpecker)
Columbus plumpipes vittatus (Pigeon whose legs are covered with feathers) & Picus cibereus (woodpecker)
Golden-winged woodpecker
Golden-winged woodpecker
Hairy woodpecker. Red-bellied woodpecker. Red-shafted woodpecker. Lewis woodpecker. Red-breasted woodpecker.
Hairy woodpecker. Red-bellied woodpecker. Red-shafted woodpecker. Lewis woodpecker. Red-breasted woodpecker.
Wryneck, Great Spotted Woodpecker (male and female)
Wryneck, Great Spotted Woodpecker (male and female)