‘Wizard’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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"So the Woodman took his axe and began to chop down small trees…"
"So the Woodman took his axe and began to chop down small trees…"
Bear Rabbit
Bear Rabbit
Wizard in the Moonlight
Wizard in the Moonlight
An episode in King Henry VI, part II: Margerie Jourdayne with others conjure up a diabolical spirit in the hope of …
An episode in King Henry VI, part II: Margerie Jourdayne with others conjure up a diabolical spirit in the hope of …
Magician and woman with child sit by tree
Magician and woman with child sit by tree
The Wizard. From the portfolio: The Work of E Burne-Jones.
The Wizard. From the portfolio: The Work of E Burne-Jones.
Wizard waving a staff
Wizard waving a staff