‘Wizard’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Princess Marigold
Princess Marigold
Scene from Italian poet Ludovico Ariosto's epic poem Orlando Furioso: combat with the wizard Atlante
Scene from Italian poet Ludovico Ariosto's epic poem Orlando Furioso: combat with the wizard Atlante
The Wizard
The Wizard
Reception of the Duchess of Edinburgh by the British Fleet at Besika Bay
Reception of the Duchess of Edinburgh by the British Fleet at Besika Bay
Merlin and Viviane, the Lady of the Lake
Merlin and Viviane, the Lady of the Lake
The magic of France
The magic of France
Thomas A Edison-The Wizard of Menlo Park
Thomas A Edison-The Wizard of Menlo Park
A Finnish sorcerer foretelling the imminent death of Ivan the Terrible
A Finnish sorcerer foretelling the imminent death of Ivan the Terrible