‘Utagawa’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Irises in Horikiri
Irises in Horikiri
Eighty-eight Fish
Eighty-eight Fish
Woman viewing Cherry Blossoms on the Bank of the Sumida River (Sumidagawa hana no kei)
Woman viewing Cherry Blossoms on the Bank of the Sumida River (Sumidagawa hana no kei)
Picture of Twilight at the Drum Bridge in Meguro, from the series 100 Views of Famous Places in Edo
Picture of Twilight at the Drum Bridge in Meguro, from the series 100 Views of Famous Places in Edo
Cod and Gurnard
Cod and Gurnard
The actor Iwai Shijaku in the role of Mukan Tayū Atsumori
The actor Iwai Shijaku in the role of Mukan Tayū Atsumori
Warrior Scene
Warrior Scene